Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 43: Tanaris, Blades Edge Mountains


Quest 1: March of the Silithid
Quest 2: Stoley's Debt
Quest 3: Slake The Thirst
Quest 4: Wastewander Justice
Quest 5: Water Pouch Bounty
Quest 6: Wanted: Caliph Scorpidsting
Quest 7: Gadgetzan Water Survey
Quest 8: Tanaris Field Sampling
Quest 9: Pirate Hats Ahoy!
Quest 10: Stoley's Shipment
Quest 11: Ship Schedules
Quest 12: Southsea Shakedown
Quest 13: Wanted: Andre Firebeard
Quest 14: More Wastewander Justice
Quest 15: Find OOX-17/TN!
Quest 16: Rescure OOX-17/TN!
Quest 17: Noxious Lair Investigation
Quest 18: Deliver to MacKinley
Quest 19: Tran'rek
Quest 20: Return to Apothecary Zinge

Rares: Brimgore, Warleader Krazzilak

Blades Edge Mountains
Quest 1: Into the Churning Gulch
Quest 2: Baron Sabremane's Poison
Quest 3: The Smallest Creatures
Quest 4: Crush the Bloodmaul Camp
Quest 5: A Boaring Time for Grulloc
Quest 6: It's a Trap!
Quest 7: Exorcising the Trees
Quest 8: Gorgrom the Dragon-Eater
Quest 9: Slaughter at Boulder'mok
Quest 10: Prisoner of the Bladespire
Quest 11: Showdown
Quest 12: Harvesting the Fel Ammunition
Quest 13: Fire At Will!
Quest 14: The Hound-Master
Quest 15: The Crystals
Quest 16: Our Boy Wants To Be A Skyguard Ranger
Quest 17: The Skyguard Outpost
Quest 18: Bombing Run
Quest 19: Assault on Bashir's Landing!
Quest 20: Wrangle Some Aether Rays

Rares: Speaker Mar'grom

Day 42: The Hinterlands, Blades Edge Mountains


The Hinterlands
Quest 1: Lard Lost His Lunch
Quest 2: Snapjaws, Mon!
Quest 3: Gamarita, Mon!
Quest 4: Kidnapped Elder Torntusk!
Quest 5: Recover the Key!
Quest 6: Rin'ji is Trapped
Quest 7: Cannibalistic Cousins
Quest 8: Message to the Wildhammer
Quest 9: Avenging the Fallen
Quest 10: Stalking the Stalkers
Quest 11: Hunt the Savages
Quest 12: Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village
Quest 13: Return to Primal Torntusk
Quest 14: Dark Vessels
Quest 15: Wanted: Vile Priestess Hexx and Her Minions
Quest 16: Vilebranch Hooligans
Quest 17: Another Message to the Wildhammer
Quest 18: The Final Message to the Wildhammer
Quest 19: Rin'ji's Secret
Quest 20: Oran's Gratitude

Rares: Grimungus, Mith'rethis the Enchanter, Razortalon, Jalinde Summerdrake, Zul'arek Hatefowler, Old Cliff Jumper, Jimmy the Bleeder, Barnabus, Lost One Cook, Roloch, Gilmorian, Lost One Chieftan


Blades Edge Mountains
Quest 1: A Time for Negotiation...
Quest 2: Creating the Pendant
Quest 3: ...and a Time for Action
Quest 4: Did You Get The Note?
Quest 5: Poaching from the Poachers
Quest 6: Wyrmskull Watcher
Quest 7: Longtail is the Lynchpin
Quest 8: Whelps of the Wyrmcult
Quest 9: Meeting at the Blackwing Coven
Quest 10: The Truth Unorbed
Quest 11: Treebole Must Know
Quest 12: Little Embers
Quest 13: From the Ashes
Quest 14: Culling the Wild
Quest 15: Damaged Mask
Quest 16: Mystery Mask
Quest 17: Felsworn Gas Mask
Quest 18: Decieve thy Enemy
Quest 19: You're Fired!
Quest 20: Death's Door

Rares: Bog Lurker, Morcrush

Day 41: Swamp of Sorrow, The Hinterlands, Blades Edge Mountains


Swamp of Sorrows
Quest 1: Galen's Escape
Quest 2: Draenethyst Crystals
Quest 3: Noboru the Cudgel
Quest 4: Little Morsels
Quest 5: Lack of Surplus
Quest 6: Lack of Surplus
Quest 7: Fresh Meat
Quest 8: Pool of Tears
Quest 9: Threat From the Sea
Quest 10: Threat From the Sea
Quest 11: Threat From the Sea
Quest 12: Continued Threat
Quest 13: The Atal'ai Exile
Quest 14: Return to Fel'Zerul
The Hinterlands
Quest 15: Grim Message
Quest 16: Venom Bottles
Quest 17: Undamaged Venom Sack
Quest 18: Consult Master Gadrin
Quest 19: Find OOX-09/HL!
Quest 20: Rescue OOX-09/HL!

Rares: Molt Thorn, Lord Captain Wyrmak, Fingat, Witherheart the Stalker, Retherokk the Berserker, Gluggle


Blades Edge Mountains
Quest 1: The Spirits Have Voices
Quest 2: The Bloodmaul Ogres
Quest 3: Whispers on the Wind
Quest 4: Silkwing Cocoons
Quest 5: The Softest Wings
Quest 6: The Stones of Vakh'nir
Quest 7: Trial and Error
Quest 8: Understanding the Mok'Nathal
Quest 9: Since Time Forgotten...
Quest 10: The Totems of My Enemy
Quest 11: Mok'Nathal Treats
Quest 12: Spirit Calling
Quest 13: Slay the Brood Mother
Quest 14: Gather the Orbs
Quest 15: Inform Leoroxx!
Quest 16: There Can Be Only One Response
Quest 17: Reunion
Quest 18: On Spirit's Wings
Quest 19: Baron Sablemane
Quest 20: Ruuan Weald

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 40: Feralas, Nagrand, Blades Edge Mountains


Quest 1: The Sunken Temple
Quest 2: Camp Mojache
Quest 3: Testing the Vessel
Quest 4: Hippogryph Muisek
Quest 5: Find OOX-22/FE!
Quest 6: Faerie Dragon Muisek
Quest 7: Treant Muisek
Quest 8: Improved Quality
Quest 9: Perfect Yeti Hide
Quest 10: Dark Heart
Quest 11: Mountain Giant Muisek
Quest 12: Natural Materials
Quest 13: Vengeance on the Northspring
Quest 14: Weapons of Spirit
Quest 15: Zapped Giants
Quest 16: Fuel for the Zapping
Quest 17: Rescue OOX-22/FE!
Quest 18: The Stone Circle
Quest 19: Screecher Spirits
Quest 20: The Strength of Corruption

Rares: The Rot, Qirot, Greater Firebird


Quest 1: What the Soul Sees
Quest 2: Return to the Greatmother
Quest 3: The Inconsolable Chieftain
Quest 4: There is No Hope
Quest 5: Thrall, Son of Durotan
Quest 6: Hero of the Mag'har
Quest 7: Obsidian Warbeads
Quest 8: Im Saved!
Blades Edge Mountains
Quest 9: Killing the Crawlers
Quest 10: The Ogre Threat
Quest 11: Felling an Ancient Tree
Quest 12: They Stole Me Hookah and Me Brews!
Quest 13: Bladespire Kegger
Quest 14: Grimnok and Korgaah, I Am For You!
Quest 15: A Curse Upon Both Your Clans!
Quest 16: The Bladespire Threat
Quest 17: Thunderlord Clan Artifacts
Quest 18: Vision Guide
Quest 19: Dust of the Fey Drake
Quest 20: The Thunderspike

Day 39: Feralas, Nagrand


Quest 1: A Threat if Feralas
Quest 2: The Ogres of Feralas
Quest 3: Gordunni Cobalt
Quest 4: War on the Woodpaw
Quest 5: A Strange Request
Quest 6: Return to Witch Doctor Uzer'i
Quest 7: Alpha Strike
Quest 8: The Gordunni Scroll
Quest 9: A New Cloak's Sheen
Quest 10: Woodpaw Investigation
Quest 11: The Battle Plans
Quest 12: A Grim Discovery
Quest 13: Stinglasher
Quest 14: Zukk'ash Infestation
Quest 15: The Ogres of Feralas
Quest 16: Dark Ceremony
Quest 17: The Mark of Quality
Quest 18: Zukk'ash Report
Quest 19: A Grim Discovery
Quest 20: The Gordunni Orb

Rares: Snarler, Gnarl Leafbrother, Lord Angler, Antilus the Soarer, Bloodroar the Stalker, Arash-ethis, Diamond Head, Lady Szallah


Quest 1: Crackin' Some Skulls
Quest 2: It's Just That Easy?
Quest 3: Forge Camp: Annihilated
Quest 4: A Visit With the Greatmother
Quest 5: Material Components
Quest 6: To Meet Mother Kashur
Quest 7: The Agitated Ancestors
Quest 8: A Visit With the Ancestors
Quest 9: When Spirits Speak
Quest 10: A Secret Revealed
Quest 11: Kroghan's Report
Quest 12: A Strange Vision
Quest 13: Auchindoun...
Quest 15: The Ring of Blood: Brokentoe
Quest 16: The Ring of Blood: Rokdar the Sundered Lord
Quest 17: The Ring of Blood: Skra'gath
Quest 18: The Ring of Blood: The Blue Brothers
Quest 19: The Ring of Blood: The Warmaul Champion
Quest 20: The Ring of Blood: The Final Challenge

Day 38: Dustwallow Marsh, Undercity, Nagrand


Dustwallow Marsh
Quest 1: The Essence of Enmity
Quest 2: Catch a Dragon by the Tail
Quest 3: Spirits of Stonemaul Hold
Quest 4: Challenge to the Black Flight
Quest 5: Marg Speaks
Quest 6: Return to Krog
Quest 7: Identifying the Brood
Quest 8: The Brood of Onyxia
Quest 9: The Brood of Onyxia
Quest 10: More than Coincidence
Quest 11: The Grimtotem Plot
Quest 12: Seek Out Tabetha
Quest 13: Raze Direhorn Post
Quest 14: The Brood of Onyxia
Quest 15: Challenge Overlord Mok'Morokk
Quest 16: Report to Zor
Quest 17: Service to the Horde
Quest 18: Errand for Apothecary Zinge
Quest 19: Errand for Apothecary Zinge
Quest 20: Into the Field

Rares: Terrowulf Packlord,


Quest 1: Message in a Battle
Quest 2: Standards and Practices
Quest 3: An Audacious Advance
Quest 4: Bleeding Hollow Supply Crates
Quest 5: Diplomatic Measures
Quest 6: Ruthless Cunning
Quest 7: Armaments for Deception
Quest 8: The Spirit Polluted
Quest 9: Shattering the Veil
Quest 10: Muck Diving
Quest 11: Wanted: Giselda the Crone
Quest 12: Wanted: Zorbo the Advisor
Quest 13: Returning the Favor
Quest 14: Body of Evidence
Quest 15: Message to Garadar
Quest 16: Gurok the Usurper
Quest 17: Survey the Land
Quest 18: Buying Time
Quest 19: The Master Planner
Quest 20: Patience and Understanding