Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 37: Dustwallow Marsh, Nagrand


Dustwallow Marsh
Quest 1: The Zeppelin Crash
Quest 2: Corrosion Prevention
Quest 3: Secure the Cargo!
Quest 4: Delivery For Drazzit
Quest 5: Help Mudsprocket
Quest 6: Jarl Needs Eyes
Quest 7: Jarl Needs A Blade
Quest 8: The Theramore Docks
Quest 9: Signs of Treachery?
Quest 10: The Severed Head
Quest 11: Deadmire
Quest 12: Stinky's scape
Quest 13: The Troll Witchdoctor
Quest 14: Questioning Reethe
Quest 15: Wanted: Goreclaw the Ravenous
Quest 16: Bloodfen Feathers
Quest 17: Banner of the Stonemaul
Quest 18: Army of the Black Dragon
Quest 19: Overlord Mok'Morokk's Concern
Quest 20: The Black Shield

Rares: Dart, Hayoc, Drogoth the Roamer, Burgle Eye

Quest 1: The Missing War Party
Quest 2: Missing Mag'hari Procession
Quest 3: Once Were Warriors
Quest 4: Murkblood Corrupters
Quest 5: The Tortured Earth
Quest 6: Vile Idolatry
Quest 7: Murkblood Leaders...
Quest 8: He Will Walk the Earth...
Quest 9: War on the Warmaul
Quest 10: Finding the Survivors
Quest 11: Cho'war the Pillager
Quest 12: Murkblood Invaders
Quest 13: The Torem of Kar'dash
Quest 14: Eating Damnation
Quest 15: Agitated Spirits of Skysong
Quest 16: Blessing of Incineratus
Quest 17: I Must Have Them!
Quest 18: Bring Me the Egg!
Quest 19: Proving Your Strength
Quest 20: He Called Himself Altruis...

Day 36: Dustwallow Marsh, Terokkar Forest

Dustwallow Marsh
Quest 1: The Black Shield
Quest 2: The Black Shield
Quest 3: Suspicious Hoofprints
Quest 4: Lieutenant Pavel Reethe
Quest 5: The Hermit of Witch Hill
Quest 6: Marsh Frog Legs
Quest 7: What's Haunting Witch Hill
Quest 8: The Witch's Bane
Quest 9: Cleansing Witch Hill
Quest 10: Theramore Spies
Quest 11: The Lost Report
Quest 12: The Black Shield
Quest 13: The Black Shield
Quest 14: Twilight of the Dawn Runner
Quest 15: Hungry!Quest 16: Inspecting the Ruins
Quest 17: Check Up on Tebetha
Quest 18: Direhorn Raiders
Quest 19: The Grimtotem Weapon
Quest 20: The Reagent Thief

Rares: Darkmist Widow, Oozeworm

Quest 1: The Nesingwary Safari
Quest 2: Windroc Mastery
Quest 3: Talbuk Mastery
Quest 4: Clefthoof Mastery
Quest 5: Windroc Mastery
Quest 6: Clefthoof Mastery
Quest 7: Windroc Mastery
Quest 8: Windroc Mastery
Quest 9: Clefthoof Mastery
Quest 10: Windroc Mastery
Quest 11: The Ultimate Bloodsport
Quest 12: The Consortium Needs You!
Quest 13: Head Full of Ivory
Quest 14: Stealing From Thieves
Quest 15: Matters of Security
Quest 16: Gava'xi
Quest 17: The Throne of Elements
Quest 18: The Howling Wind
Quest 19: The Underneath
Quest 20: A Rare Bean

Day 35: Badlands, Duskwood, Terokkar Forest


Quest 1: Study of the Elements: Rock
Quest 2: This is Going to Be Hard
Quest 3: This is Going to Be Hard
Quest 4: This is Going to Be Hard
Quest 5: Broken Alliances
Quest 6: Broken Alliances
Quest 7: Badlands Reagent Run
Quest 8: Coyote Thieves
Quest 9: Unclaimed Baggage
Quest 10: Dreadmaul Rock
Quest 11: The Rise of the Machines
Quest 12: The Rise of the Machines
Quest 13: Report to Helgrum
Quest 14: To the Undercity for Yagyin's Digest
Quest 15: The Star, the Hand and the Heart
Quest 16: Forbidden Knowledge
Quest 17: Nothing But the Truth
Quest 18: Nothing But the Truth
Quest 19: Nothing But the Truth
Quest 20: Nothing But the Truth

Rares: Prince Kellen, Anathemus, 7:XT, Rumbler, Zaricotl, Digmaster Shovelphlange, Volchan, Gruklash, Thauris Balgarr


Terokkar Forest
Quest 1: Return to Shattrath
Quest 2: The Skettis Offensive
Quest 3: Can't Stay Away
Quest 4: The Outcast's Plight
Quest 5: The Impotent Leader
Quest 6: Don't Kill the Fat One
Quest 7: Success!
Quest 8: Digging Through Bones
Quest 9: An Improper Burial
Quest 10: The Dread Relic
Quest 11: Fumping
Quest 12: A Hero is Needed
Quest 13: For the Fallen
Quest 14: Terokkarantula
Quest 15: Evil Draws Near
Quest 16: Return to Sha'tari Base Camp
Quest 17: Taken in the Night
Quest 18: The Big Bone Worm
Quest 19: The Fallen Exarch
Quest 20: Because Kirath is a Coward

Milestones: Level 70

Monday, December 21, 2009

Day 34: Desolace, Badlands, Shattrath City, Terokkar Forest


Quest 1: Clam Bait
Quest 2: Other Fish to Fry
Quest 3: Catch of the Day
Quest 4: Portals of the Legion
Quest 5: Centaur Bounty
Quest 6: Magram Alliance
Quest 7: Broken Tears
Quest 8: Gizmo for Warug
Quest 9: Khan Shaka
Quest 10: Khan Hratha
Quest 11: Bodyguard for Hire
Quest 12: Gizelton Caravan
Quest 13: Ghost-o-plasm Round Up
Quest 14: Get Me Out of Here!Badlands
Quest 15: Coolant Heads Prevail
Quest 16: Gyro... What?
Quest 17: Liquid Stone
Quest 18: Study of the Elements: Rock
Quest 19: Study of the Elements: Rock
Quest 20: Pearl Diving

Rares: Kaskk, Hissperak, Giggler
Milestones: 1000 Quests Completed

Shattrath City
Quest 1: A'dal
Quest 2: City of Light
Quest 3: Allegiance to the Scryers
Quest 4: Voren'thal the Seer
Quest 5: Firewing Signets
Quest 6: Rather Be Fishing
Terokkar Forest
Quest 7: Cabal Orders
Quest 8: Before Darkness Falls
Quest 9: Veil Skith: Darkstone of Terokk
Quest 10: Missing Friends
Quest 11: Escaping the Tomb
Quest 12: The Shadow Tomb
Quest 13: Tomb of Lights
Quest 14: The Vengeful Harbinger
Quest 15: Veil Rhazew: Unliving Evil
Quest 16: Recover the Bones
Quest 17: Veil Lithic: Preemptive Strike
Quest 18: Skywing
Quest 19: Veil Shalas Signal Fires
Quest 20: Helping the Lost Find Their Way

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day 33: Desolace, Terokkar Forest

Lots to do today, heres the catchup for yesterday. Found a few rares, am very close to 68 at which point I can go and get the Santa Hat to complete another Winters Veil achievement.


Quest 1: Alliance Relations
Quest 2: Regthar Deathgate
Quest 3: The Kolkar of Desolace
Quest 4: The Corruptor
Quest 5: Alliance Relations
Quest 6: Bone Collector
Quest 7: Kodo Roundup
Quest 8: Khan Dez'hepah
Quest 9: Befouled by Satyr
Quest 10: The Corruptor
Quest 11: Scepter of Light
Quest 12: Claim Rackmore's Treasure
Quest 13: Book of the Ancients
Quest 14: The Burning of Spirits
Quest 15: The Corruptor
Quest 16: The Corruptor
Quest 17: The Corruptor
Quest 18: Hand of Iruxos
Quest 19: Hunting in Stranglethorn
Quest 20: Alliance Relations

Rares: Foulbelly, Cursed Centaur, Crusty, Accursed Slitherblade

Terokkar Forest
Quest 1: And Now, The Moment of Truth
Quest 2: Wanted: Bonelashers Dead!
Quest 3: Torgos!
Quest 4: What's Wrong at Cenarion Thicket?
Quest 5: Strange Energy
Quest 6: Clues in the Thicket
Quest 7: It's Watching You!
Quest 8: By Any Means Necessary
Quest 9: Wind Trader Lathrai
Quest 10: A Personal Favor
Quest 11: Investigate Tuurem
Quest 12: What Are These Things?
Quest 13: Report to Stonebreaker Camp
Quest 14: Escape from Firewing Point
Quest 15: Attack on Firewing Point
Quest 16: The Final Code
Quest 17: Letting Earthbinder Tavgren Know
Quest 18: Surrender to the Horde
Quest 19: The Eyes of Skettis
Quest 20: Seek Out Kirrik

Day 32: Stranglethorn Vale, Zangarmarsh, Terokkar Forest


Stranglethorn Vale
Quest 1: Excelsior
Quest 2: Up to Snuff
Quest 3: The Bloodsail Buccaneers
Quest 4: Skullsplitter Tusks
Quest 5: Message in a Bottle
Quest 6: Message in a Bottle
Quest 7: The Bloodsail Buccaneers
Quest 8: Voodoo Dues
Quest 9: Stranglethorn Fever
Quest 10: Akiris by the Bundle
Quest 11: The Monogrammed Sash
Quest 12: The Captain's Cutlass
Quest 13: Barbecued Buzzard Wings
Quest 14: Facing Negolash
Quest 15: The Captain's Chest
Quest 16: Cracking Maury's Foot
Quest 17: Cortello's Riddle
Quest 18: Cortello's Riddle
Quest 19: Cortello's Riddle
Quest 20: Whiskey Slim's Lost Grog

Rares: Ironback, Siege Golem, Broken Tooth
Milestones: Honored with all Steamwheedle


Quest 1: Glowcap Mushrooms
Quest 2: Fertile Spores
Quest 3: A Question of Gluttony
Quest 4: Now That We're Friends
Quest 5: Familiar Fungi
Quest 6: Stealing Back the Mushrooms
Quest 7: Reinforcements for Garadar
Terokkar Forest
Quest 8: Speak with Scout Nefris
Quest 9: Who Are They?
Quest 10: Kill the Shadow Council
Quest 11: Arakkoa War Path
Quest 12: An Unwelcome Presence
Quest 13: Magical Disturbances
Quest 14: Vestments of the Wolf Spirit
Quest 15: The Firewing Liaison
Quest 16: What Happens in Terokkar Stays in Terokkar
Quest 17: An Unseen Hand
Quest 18: Patriarch Ironjaw
Quest 19: Welcoming the Wolf Spirit
Quest 20: Olemba Seed Oil

Friday, December 18, 2009

Day 31: Stranglethorn Vale, Zangarmarsh

Am a little behind in my questing so there will be two posts today, first yesterdays quests which I completed this morning.


Stranglethorn Vale
Quest 1: Speaking with Nezzliok
Quest 2: Speaking with Gan'zulah
Quest 3: Spirit Bone Necklace
Quest 4: Mok'thardin's Enchantment
Quest 5: The Fate of Yenniku
Quest 6: Mok'thardin's Enchantment
Quest 7: The Singing Crystals
Quest 8: The Mind's Eye
Quest 9: Saving Yenniku
Quest 10: The Bloodsail Buccaneers
Quest 11: Supply and Demand
Quest 12: Bloodscalp Ears
Quest 13: Singing Blue Shards
Quest 14: Hostile Takeover
Quest 15: Scaring Shaky
Quest 16: The Bloodsail Buccaneers
Quest 17: The Bloodsail Buccaneers
Quest 18: Return to MacKinley
Quest 19: Some Assembly Required
Quest 20: Venture Company Mining

Rares: High Priestess Hai'watna, Verifonix, Lord Sakrasis
Milestones: Exalted with Darkspear Trolls, Exalted with Thunder Bluff, Ambassador


Quest 1: Stinging the Stingers
Quest 2: Burstcap Mushrooms, Mon!
Quest 3: Spirits of the Feralfen
Quest 4: Wanted: Boss Grog'ak
Quest 5: Wanted: Chieften Mummaki
Quest 6: A Spirit Ally
Quest 7: Impending Attack
Quest 8: The Sharpest Blades
Quest 9: Have You Ever Seen One of These
Quest 10: Anglin to Beat the Competition
Quest 11: The Biggest of them All
Quest 12: Pursuing Terrorclaw
Quest 13: Us or Them
Quest 14: Message to the Daggerfen
Quest 15: Watcher Leesa'oh
Quest 16: The Count of the Marshes
Quest 17: Observing the Sporelings
Quest 18: The Sporelings Plight
Quest 19: Natural Enemies
Quest 20: Sporeggar

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day 30: Stranglethorn Vale, Zangarmarsh

Day 30: Stranglethorn Vale, Zangarmarsh


Stranglethorn Vale
Quest 1: Tiger Mastery
Quest 2: Panther Mastery
Quest 3: Raptor Mastery
Quest 4: Big Game Hunter
Quest 5: Chapter I
Quest 6: Chapter II
Quest 7: Chapter III
Quest 8: Chapter IV
Quest 9: The Green Hills of Stranglethorn
Quest 10: Hunt for Yeniku
Quest 11: Bloody Bone Necklaces
Quest 12: The Vile Reef
Quest 13: Bloodscalp Insight
Quest 14: The Defense of Grom'gol
Quest 15: Headhunting
Quest 16: An Unusual Patron
Quest 17: Bloodscalp Clan Heads
Quest 18: The Defense of Grom'gol
Quest 19: Mok'thardin's Enchantment
Quest 20: Mok'thardin's Enchantment

Rares: Ironeye the Invincible, Prince Nazjak
Milestones: Exalted with Silvermoon City


Quest 1: The Cenarion Expedition
Quest 2: Warden Harmoot
Quest 3: The Dying Balance
Quest 4: Disturbance at Umbrafen Lake
Quest 5: Escape from Umbrafen
Quest 6: Plants of Zangarmarsh
Quest 7: The Umbrafen Tribe
Quest 8: As the Crow Flies
Quest 9: A Damp Dark Place
Quest 10: Safeguarding the Watchers
Quest 11: Saving the Sporeloks
Quest 12: Blessings of the Ancients
Quest 13: A Warm Welcome
Quest 14: Leader of the Bloodscale
Quest 15: Leader of the Bloodcrest
Quest 16: Drain Schematics
Quest 17: Balance Must be Preserved
Quest 18: Warning the Cenarion Circle
Quest 19: Return to the Marsh
Quest 20: Withered Basilim

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 29: Thousand Needles, Stranglethorn Vale, Hellfire Peninsula, Zangarmarsh

Today we start two new zones, Stranglethorn in Azeroth and Zangarmarsh in Outland. I have leveled to 65 and will hopefully get another 3 levels in the next few days so I can do Nexus for the Santa hat, after that I need to get to 70 to do the Bomb them Again quest on a raindeer for the Merrymaker achievement.


Thousand Needles
Quest 1: Safety First
Quest 2: The Rumormonger
Quest 3: Dream Dust in the Swamp
Quest 4: Rumors for Kravel
Quest 5: Back to Booty Bay
Quest 6: Zanzil's Secret
Quest 7: Zanzil's Mixture and a Fool's Stout
Quest 8: Get the Gnomes Drunk
Quest 9: Report Back to Fizzlebub
Stranglethorn Vale
Quest 10: Welcome to the Jungle
Quest 11: Tiger Mastery
Quest 12: Panther Mastery
Quest 13: Raptor Mastery
Quest 11: Tiger Mastery
Quest 12: Panther Mastery
Quest 13: Raptor Mastery
Quest 11: Tiger Mastery
Quest 12: Panther Mastery
Quest 13: Raptor Mastery
Quest 20: Investigate the Camp


Hellfire Peninsula
Quest 1: Messenger to Thrall
Quest 2: Source of the Corruption
Quest 3: The Cleansing Must Be Stopped
Quest 4: Cruel Intentions
Quest 5: The Foot of the Citadel
Quest 6: Natural Remedies
Quest 7: A Debilitating Sickness
Quest 8: Administering the Salve
Quest 9: Arelion's Mistress
Quest 10: Report to Zurai
Quest 11: Menacing Marshfangs
Quest 12: There's No Explanation for Fashion
Quest 13: Nothin' Say Lovin' Like a Big Stinger
Quest 14: Thick Hydra Scales
Quest 15: No More Mushrooms!
Quest 16: Searching for Scout Jyoba
Quest 17: Jyoba's Report
Quest 18: A Job Undone
Quest 19: Report to Shadow Hunter Denjai
Quest 20: News from Zangarmarsh

Rares: Mekthorg the Wild

Day 28: Thousand Needles, Hellfire Peninsula

Well today is the start of Winter Viel on my server, in order to get the meta achievement for this I need to be at least level 68 (to get hat from Nexus) so my goal for the next few days is to get the remaining 4 levels to 68 with out doing more then my usual 20 outland quests. This means a lot of dungeoning (and dungeon quests), but since each dungeon gives 1/3 of a level it shouldn't take too long. Rares were a bit hard to find today, I only managed to find two in the zones im working on or finished and unfortunatly 2 of the rares are in a place thats going to be full of people over the next two weeks so my chances of findng those two rares are few. Also the Outland rares may be hard to find too as people camp them for the achievement.


Thousand Needles
Quest 1: Final Passage
Quest 2: Hemet Nesingwary Jr.
Quest 3: Wharfmaster Dizzywig
Quest 4: Goblin Sponsorship
Quest 5: Goblin Sponsorship
Quest 6: Goblin Sponsorship
Quest 7: Goblin Sponsorship
Quest 8: Martek the Exiled
Quest 9: Indurium
Quest 10: Family Tree
Quest 11: Parts for Kravel
Quest 12: News for Fizzle
Quest 13: Encrusted Tail Fins
Quest 14: Delivery to the Gnomes
Quest 15: Goblin Sponsorship
Quest 16: The Eighteenth Pilot
Quest 17: Keeping Pace
Quest 18: Rizzle's Schematics
Quest 19: Razseric's Tweaking
Quest 20: Safety First

Rares: Achellios the Banished, Darbel Montrose


Hellfire Peninsula
Quest 1: The Warchief's Mandate
Quest 2: A Spirit Guide
Quest 3: The Mag'har
Quest 4: Trueflight Arrows
Quest 5: Arelion's Journal
Quest 6: In Need of Felblood
Quest 7: Naladu
Quest 8: A Traitor Among Us
Quest 9: The Dreghood Elders
Quest 10: Arzeth's Demise
Quest 11: Helping the Cenarion Post
Quest 12: Missing Missive
Quest 13: Colossal Menace
Quest 14: Crimson Crystal Clue
Quest 15: The Earthbinder
Quest 16: Arelion's Secret
Quest 17: Demonic Contamination
Quest 18: Testing the Antidote
Quest 19: The Mistress Revealed
Quest 20: Keep Thornfang Hill Clear

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day 27: Thousand Needles, Hellfire Peninsula


Thousand Needles

Quest 1: Free At Last
Quest 2: Test of Endurance
Quest 3: Arikara
Quest 4: Hypercapacitor Gizmo
Quest 5: Test of Strength
Quest 6: The Swarm Grows
Quest 7: Parts of the Swarm
Quest 8: Parts of the Swarm
Quest 9: The Swarm Grows
Quest 10: Test of Lore
Quest 11: Test of Lore
Quest 12: Test of Lore
Quest 13: Test of Lore
Quest 14: Test of Lore
Quest 15: Test of Lore
Quest 16: Salt Flat Venom
Quest 17: Load Lightening
Quest 18: Hardened Shells
Quest 19: Rocket Car Parts
Quest 20: A Bump in the Road

Rares: Pridewing Patriach, Geomancer Flintdagger, Molok the Crusher, Gibblesnik


Quest 1: From the Abyss
Quest 2: Outland Sucks!
Quest 3: How to Serve Goblins
Quest 4: Shizz Work
Quest 5: Beneath Thrallmar
Quest 6: A Burden of Souls
Quest 7: Falcon Watch
Quest 8: Avruu's Orb
Quest 9: The Road to Falcon Watch
Quest 10: The Great Fissure
Quest 11: Magic of the Arakkoa
Quest 12: Birds of a Feather
Quest 13: Marking the Path
Quest 14: A Pilgrim's Plight
Quest 15: Wanted: Blacktalon the Savage
Quest 16: The Assassin
Quest 17: The Demoniac Scryer
Quest 18: A Strange Weapon
Quest 19: Report to Nazgrel
Quest 20: The Agony and the Darkness

Milestones: Honored with Thrallmar

Day 26: Thunder Bluff, Thousand Needles, Hellfire Peninsula


Thunder Bluff
Quest 1: Melor Sends Word
Quest 2: The Sacred Flame
Quest 3: The Sacred Flame
Quest 4: The Sacred Flame
Quest 5: Steelsnap
Quest 6: Frostmaw
Thousand Needles
Quest 7: Message to Freewind Post
Quest 8: Alien Egg
Quest 9: Pacify the Centaur
Quest 10: Test of Faith
Quest 11: Assassination Plot
Quest 12: Protect Kanati Greycloud
Quest 13: Serpent Wild
Quest 14: A Different Approach
Quest 15: A Dip in the Moonwell
Quest 16: Homeward Bound
Quest 17: Testing the Tonic
Quest 18: Grimtotem Spying
Quest 19: Wanted: Arnak Grimtotem
Quest 20: Wind Rider

Rares: Brontus, Vengeful Ancient, Cranky Benj, Zalas Witherbark, Vile Sting, Silithid Ravager, Heartrazor


Quest 1: Forge Camp: Mageddon
Quest 2: Vile Plans
Quest 3: Cannons of Rage
Quest 4: Doorway to the Abyss
Quest 5: Make Them Listen
Quest 6: Decipher the Tome
Quest 7: The Battle Horn
Quest 8: Bloody Vengeance
Quest 9: Honor the Fallen
Quest 10: Zeth'Gor Must Burn
Quest 11: The Eyes of Grillok
Quest 12: Investigate the Crash
Quest 13: Ravager Egg Roundup
Quest 14: Hellboar, the Other White Meat
Quest 15: Smooth As Butter
Quest 16: In Case of Emergency...
Quest 17: Voidwalkers Gone Wild
Quest 18: The Warp Rifts
Quest 19: Void Ridge
Quest 20: Grillok Darkeyes

Milestones: Into The Wild Blue Yonder

Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 25: Arathi Highlands, Hellfire Peninsula

I have decided to start working on Outlands quests at the same time to speed up leveling and speed up getting Loremaster. This way I can be sure I finish all the Horde quests well before Cataclysm comes out.

Quest 1: Trol'kalar
Quest 2: Trol'kalar
Quest 3: The Real Threat
Quest 4: Land Ho!
Quest 5: Sunken Treasure
Quest 6: Sunken Treasure
Quest 7: Drowned Sorrows
Quest 8: Deep Sea Salvage
Quest 9: Sunken Treasure
Quest 10: Sunken Treasure
Quest 11: Sunken Treasure
Quest 12: Death From Below
Quest 13: The Princess Trapped
Quest 14: Stones of Binding
Quest 15: Breaking the Keystone
Quest 16: Myzrael's Allies
Quest 17: Theldurin the Lost
Quest 18: The Lost Fragments
Quest 19: Summoning the Princess
Quest 20: To Steal From Thieves

Rares: Trigore the Lasher, Big Samras, Lo'Grosh, Singer, Kovork, Ruul Onestone, Nimar the Slayer


Quest 1: Through the Dark Portal
Quest 2: Arrival in Outland
Quest 3: Journey to Thrallmar
Quest 4: Report to Nazgrel
Quest 5: I Work... For The Horde
Quest 6: Bonechewer Blood
Quest 7: Eradicate the Burning Legion
Quest 8: Felspark Ravine
Quest 9: Forward Base: Reaver's Fall
Quest 10: Apothecary Zelana
Quest 11: Disrupt Their Reinforcements
Quest 12: Mission: Gateways Murketh and Shaadraz
Quest 13: Mission: The Abyssal Shelf
Quest 14: Spinebreaker Post
Quest 15: Boiling Blood
Quest 16: Wanted: Worg Master Kruush
Quest 17: Preparing the Salve
Quest 18: Apothecary Antonivich
Quest 19: Return to Thrallmar
Quest 20: Burn It Up... For The Horde

Day 24: Hillsbrad Foothills, Arathi Highlands

Quest 1: Crown of Will
Quest 2: Crown of Will
Quest 3: Hammer May Fall
Arathi Highlands
Quest 4: Hammerfall
Quest 5: Foul Magics
Quest 6: Raising Spirits
Quest 7: Raising Spirits
Quest 8: Raising Spirits
Quest 9: Sigil of Strom
Quest 10: Foul Magics
Quest 11: Guile of the Raptor
Quest 12: Guile of the Raptor
Quest 13: Guile of the Raptor
Quest 14: The Broken Sigil
Quest 15: Call to Arms
Quest 16: Sigil of Thoradin
Quest 17: Call to Arms
Quest 18: Sigil of Arathor
Quest 19: Call to Arms
Quest 20: Sigil of Trollbane

Rares: Gravis Slipknot, Kovork
Milestones: Exalted with Undercity, Exalted with Orgrimmar

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 23: Hillsbrad Foothills, Alterac Mountains

Not a lot to report today, only found one rare unfortunatly, hopefully more tomorrow. Tomorrow we start Arathi Highlands

Quest 1: Battle of Hillsbrad
Quest 2: Battle of Hillsbrad
Quest 3: Valik
Quest 4: Infiltration
Quest 5: Wanted: Baron Vardus
Quest 6: Elixir of Agony
Quest 7: Elixir of Agony
Quest 8: Elixir of Agony
Quest 9: Gol'dir
Quest 10: The Crown of Will
Quest 11: Blackmoore's Legacy
Quest 12: Helcular's Revenge
Quest 13: Prison Break In
Quest 14: Stone Tokens
Quest 15: Lord Aliden Perenold
Quest 16: Bracers of Binding
Quest 17: Dalaran Patrols
Quest 18: Taretha's Gift
Quest 19: The Crown of Will
Quest 20: Helcular's Revenge

Rares: Stone Fury

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 22: Hillsbrad Foothills

Patch 3.3 Tomorrow, Yay! Will make questing a bit easier. Starting Hillsbrad today and should finish it tomorrow (Or mostly at least).

Quest 1: Report to Tarren Mill
Quest 2: Time to Strike
Quest 3: Elixir of Suffering
Quest 4: Elixir of Suffering
Quest 5: Elixir of Pain
Quest 6: Elixir of Pain
Quest 7: The Rescue
Quest 8: Battle of Hillsbrad
Quest 9: Wanted:Syndicate Personal
Quest 10: Humbert's Sword
Quest 11: Souvenirs of Death
Quest 12: Elixir of Agony
Quest 13: Elixir of Agony
Quest 14: Battle of Hillsbrad
Quest 15: Battle of Hillsbrad
Quest 16: Battle of Hillsbrad
Quest 17: Battle of Hillsbrad
Quest 18: Dangerous!
Quest 19: Soothing Turtle Bisque
Quest 20: Crown of Will

Rares: Mugglefin, Akkrilus, Oakpaw, Ro'Bark, Lady Zephris, Scargill, Creepthess, Tamra Stormpike, Narillasanz, Skhowl

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Day 21: Ashenvale, Thunder Bluff

Today we will finish Ashenvale off and do a few Thunder Bluff quests that came from Stonetalon mountains, this quite neatly finishes these zones off and lets me start Hillsbrad Foothills tomorrow. Blackfathom Deeps has been completed and Wailing Caverns will also be completed soon.

Quest 1: Satyr Horns
Quest 2: Warsong Saw Blades
Quest 3: Sharptalon's Claw
Quest 4: Destry the Legion
Quest 5: Diabolical Plans
Quest 6: Ashenvale Outrunners
Quest 7: Shadumbra's Head
Quest 8: The Hunt Completed
Quest 9: King of the Foulweald
Quest 10: Warsong Supplies
Quest 11: Never Again!
Quest 12: The Lost Pages
Quest 13: The Befouled Element
Quest 14: Je'neu of the Earthen Ring
Quest 15: Barron Aquanis
Quest 16: Forsaken Aid
Quest 17: Journey to Tarren Mill
Quest 18: Blood of Innocents
Quest 19: Return to Thunder Bluff
Quest 20: The Flying Machine Airport

Rares: Sentinel Amarassan, Lady Vespia, Branch Snapper, Eck'alom, Prince Raze

Day 20, Stonetalon Mountains, Ashenvale

Todays plan is to finish off Stonetalon Mountains and make a start on Ashenvale, all going well I should finish Ashenvale tomorrow. will also do Wailing Caverns and Blackfathom Depths. Will possibly do the Deadmines and Stockades at some point too.

Quest 1: Further Instructions
Quest 2: Gerenzo Wrenchwistle
Quest 3: Elemental War
Quest 4: New Life
Quest 5: Harpies Threaten
Quest 6: Bloodfury Bloodline
Quest 7: Ordanus
Quest 8: The Den
Quest 9: Calling in the Reserves
Quest 10: Report to Splintertree Post
Quest 11: The Ashenvale Hunt
Quest 12: Torek's Assault
Quest 13: Naga at the Zoram Strand
Quest 14: Vorsha the Lasher
Quest 15: Ursangous's Paw
Quest 16: Stonetalon Standstill
Quest 17: Freedom to Ruul
Quest 18: The Warsong Reports
Quest 19: Troll Charm
Quest 20: Between a Rock and a Thistlemaw

Rares: Foreman Rigger, Taskmaster Whipfang, Mist Howler, Rorgish Jowl, Ursol'lok, Apothecary Falthis, Sister Riven
Milestones: Revered with Darkspear Trolls

Friday, December 4, 2009

Day 19: Stonetalon Mountains

Quest 1: The Spirits of Stonetalon
Quest 2: Avenge my Village
Quest 3: Kill Grundig Darkcloud
Quest 4: Protect Kaya
Quest 5: Kaya's Alive
Quest 6: Cenarius' Legacy
Quest 7: Cycle of Rebirth
Quest 8: Blood Feeders
Quest 9: Jin'Zil's Forest Magic
Quest 10: Super Reaver 6000
Quest 11: Gerenzo's Orders
Quest 12: Gerenzo's Orders
Quest 13: Arachnaphobia
Quest 14: Boulderslide Ravine
Quest 15: Goblin Invaders
Quest 16: Earthen Arise
Quest 17: The Elder Crone
Quest 18: Further Instructions
Quest 19: Shreading Machines
Quest 20: Report to Kadrak

Rares: Brother Ravenoak, Nal'taszar, Sorrow Wing, Sister Riven, Malgin Barleybrew

Day 18: The Barrens

Today we finish off all the quests in the Barrens, our next zone will be Stonetalon Mountains. Also at some point I need to do the Wailing Caverns. There is still a few rare mobs in the Barrens to find but I will keep checking back for them periodically.

Quest 1: Gann's Reclamation
Quest 2: Revenge of Gann
Quest 3: Revenge of Gann
Quest 4: The Tear of the Moons
Quest 5: Betrayal from within
Quest 6: Betrayal from within
Quest 7: Weapons of Choice
Quest 8: Egg Hunt
Quest 9: Dig Rat Stew
Quest 10: Chen's Empty Keg
Quest 11: The Swarm Grows
Quest 12: The Runed Scroll
Quest 13: The Ashenvale Hunt
Quest 14: Ziz Fizziks
Quest 15: Letter to Jin'Zil
Quest 16: Deepmoss Spider Eggs
Quest 17: Horde Presence
Quest 18: New Ore Sample
Quest 19: The Harvester
Quest 20: The Swarm Grows

Rares: Digger Flameforge, Azzere the Skyblade, Tregla, Dalaran Spellscribe, Silithid Harvester
Milestones: Revered with Thunderbluff

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 17, The Barrens

Managed to find many many rares today. Just a few left in the Barrens to find now.

Quest 1: The Guns of Northwatch
Quest 2: Free From the Hold
Quest 3: Raptor Horns
Quest 4: Chen's Empty Keg
Quest 5: The Angry Scytheclaws
Quest 6: Stolen Silver
Quest 7: Consumed By Hatred
Quest 8: Lost in Battle
Quest 9: Jorn Skyseer
Quest 10: Tribes at War
Quest 11: Bloodshards of Agamaggan
Quest 12: Chen's Empty Keg
Quest 13: Report to Kadrak
Quest 14: Enraged Thunder Lizards
Quest 15: Washte Pawne
Quest 16: Cry of the Thunderhawk
Quest 17: Owatanka
Quest 18: Lakota'mani
Quest 19: Mahren Skyseer
Quest 20: Isha Awak

Rares: Swiftmane, Sister Rathtalon, Takk the Leaper, Boahn, Geopriest Gukk'rok, Swinegart Spearhide, Hagg Taurenbane, Captain Gerogg Hammertoe, Ambassador Bloodrage, Thunderstomp, Aean Swiftrunner, Jannah Bladeleaf, Marcus Bel, Thora Feathermoon

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day 16, The Barrens

Well I went and did the quests for Ragefire Chasm and Shadowfang Keep, with those done I will continue in the Barrens until I get all of the Wailing Caverns quests. Gold is a bit low again unfortunatly but I'm hopeful it will pick up.

Quest 1: Prowlers of the Barrens
Quest 2: Miner's Fortune
Quest 3: The Escape
Quest 4: Samophlange
Quest 5: Stolen Booty
Quest 6: Wanted: Baron Longshore
Quest 7: The Stagnant Oasis
Quest 8: Verog the Dervish
Quest 9: Centaur Bracers
Quest 10: Hezrul Bloodmark
Quest 11: Counterattack!
Quest 12: Wenikee Boltbucket
Quest 13: Nugget Slugs
Quest 14: Rilli Greasemane
Quest 15: Samophlange Manual
Quest 16: Raptor Thieves
Quest 17: Echeyakee
Quest 18: Serena Bloodfeather
Quest 19: Altered Beings
Quest 20: Mura Runetotem

Rares: Brokespear, Gesharahan

Day 15, The Barrens

Today we start the Barrens which will probably take the longest of any zone in the old world to complete, I also intend to do the first of the low level dungeons on the way. Starting with Ragefire Chasm and Shadowfang Keep.

Quest 1: Plainstrider Menace
Quest 2: Disrupt the Attacks
Quest 3: Southsea Freebooters
Quest 4: The Missing Shipment
Quest 5: Wharfmaster Dizzywig
Quest 6: The Missing Shipment
Quest 7: The Disruption Ends
Quest 8: Supplies for the Crossroads
Quest 9: Kolkar Leaders
Quest 10: Fungal Spores
Quest 11: Sample for Helbrim
Quest 12: Harpy Raiders
Quest 13: The Zhevra
Quest 14: The Forgotten Pools
Quest 15: Apothecary Zamah
Quest 16: Samophlange
Quest 17: Samophlange
Quest 18: Samophlange
Quest 19: Ignition
Quest 20: Harpy Lieutenants

Rares: Dishu, Foreman Grills, Engineer Whirlygig, Sludge Beast, Stonearm, Rocklance, Snort the Heckler
Milestones: Revered with Orgrimmar

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day 14: Mulgore, Thunder Bluff, The Barrens

Well today we should finish off the Tauren starting zone and be able to move onto the Barrons, I never knew the Barrons had so many rares, I think it could be more then any other zone in game. I guess thats partially because the Barrens is so huge and I can see why they are splitting it in two in Cataclysm. In other news Enchanting is up to 150 and making money, at my current level I can get it up to 375 so need real need to level again yet.

Quest 1: Rite of Vision
Quest 2: Dwarven Digging
Quest 3: The Ravaged Caravan
Quest 4: The Ravaged Caravan
Quest 5: Dangers of the Windfury
Quest 6: Rite of Wisdom
Quest 7: A Sacred Burial
Quest 8: The Hunter's Way
Quest 9: Journey into Thunder Bluff
Quest 10: The Demon Scared Cloak
Quest 11: Mazzranache
Quest 12: Swoop Hunting
Quest 13: Supervisor Fizsprocket
Quest 14: The Venture Co.
Quest 15: Rites of the Earthmother
Thunder Bluff
Quest 16: Preparation for Ceremony
Quest 17: Gathering Leather
Quest 18: Until Death Do Us Part
The Barrens
Quest 19: Serga Darkthorn
Quest 20: The Barrens Oases

Rares: The Rake, Enforcer Emilgund, Ghost Howl, Sister Hatelash, Mazzranache

Monday, November 30, 2009

Day 13: Orgrimmar, Durotar, Mulgore

Well still going with the multiple lots of 20 per day, DEing for gold is really starting to take off though I need to level my enchanting more to start getting higher level mats. Eventually I will have to level to 65 to get Grandmaster Enchanting so I can DE Wrath level items, but thats a fair way off. Plan for today is to finish off Durotar and move onto Mulgore.

Quest 1: Hidden Enemies
Quest 2: Conscript of the Horde
Quest 3: Ak'Zeloth
Quest 4: The Demon Seed
Quest 5: Crossroads Conscription
Quest 6: The Hunt Begins
Quest 7: A Humble Task
Quest 8: A Humble Task
Quest 9: Rites of the Earthmother
Quest 10: The Hunt Continues
Quest 11: The Battleboars
Quest 12: Break Sharptusk!
Quest 13: Rite of Strength
Quest 14: Attack on Camp Narache
Quest 15: Rites of the Earthmother
Quest 16: A Task Unfinished
Quest 17: Rite of Vision
Quest 18: Sharing the Land
Quest 19: Rite of Vision
Quest 20: Kyle's Gone Missing

Rares: Watch Commander Zalaphil, Rathorian, Humar the Pridelord, Elder Mystic Razorsnout, Snagglesnout
Milestones: Honored with Thunder Bluff

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 12, Durotar, Orgrimmar

Quest 1: Practical Prey
Quest 2: A Solvent Spirit
Quest 3: Minshina's Skull
Quest 4: Zalazane
Quest 5: Thwarting Kolkar Aggression
Quest 6: From the Wreckage...
Quest 7: Break a Few Eggs
Quest 8: Winds in the Desert
Quest 9: Securing the Lines
Quest 10: The Admiral's Orders
Quest 11: Lost But Not Forgotten
Quest 12: Finding the Antidote
Quest 13: Need for a Cure
Quest 14: Dark Storms
Quest 15: Encroachment
Quest 16: Margoz
Quest 17: Skull Rock
Quest 18: Neeru Fireblade
Quest 19: Burning Shadows
Quest 20: Hidden Enemies

Rares: Captain Flat Tusk, Death Flayer, Geolord Mottle, Warlord Kolkanis, Felweaver Scornn

Day 11: Silverpine Forest, Durotar

Today will be another day of doing double the normal quests, we will finish off Silverpine forest and make our way over to Durotar for the Orc/Troll starting area. First I will go look for any of the rares I have not yet found in Tirisfal Glades and Silverpine Forest, 6 in total still to find though I am not likely to find the Dalaran Spellscrbe due to it being pretty much constantly camped for the small pet it drops. In other news I reached 50g from selling enchanting mats so gold is starting to come in now.

Quest 1: Resting in Pieces
Quest 2: The Hidden Niche
Quest 3: Journey to Hillsbrad Foothills
Quest 4: Wand to Bethor
Quest 5: Your Place in the World
Quest 6: Sarkoth
Quest 7: Cutting Teeth
Quest 8: Sarkoth
Quest 9: Galgar's Cactus Apple Surprise
Quest 10: Sting of the Scorpid
Quest 11: Vile Familiars
Quest 12: Lazy Peons
Quest 13: Burning Blade Medallion
Quest 14: Thazz'rill's Pick
Quest 15: Report to Sen'jin Village
Quest 16: Report to Orgnil
Quest 17: A Peon's Burden
Quest 18: The Admiral's Orders
Quest 19: Vanquish the Betrayers
Quest 20: Carry Your Weight

Milestones: Honored with Darkspear Trolls

Rares: Snarlmane, Muad, Deeb, Bayne, Sri'Skulk

Day 10 Undercity, Silverpine Forest

Well I went and leveled myself to 60, didn't take too long and I am happy with the spec I have, also got my enchanting up to 125 and am now starting to make money from it, not a lot but its a good start. Today we go back to Silverpine Forest for more of the undead storyline, I am tossing up whether to continue into Hillsbrad next or go as planned to Durotar, Mulgore and the Barrons.

Quest 1: Raleigh and the Undercity
Silverpine Forest
Quest 2: The Engraved Ring
Quest 3: Arugal's Folly
Quest 4: Border Crossings
Quest 5: Arugal's Folly
Quest 6: Maps and Runes
Quest 7: Dalar's Analysis
Quest 8: Dalaran's Intentions
Quest 9: Arugal's Folly
Quest 10: Ambermill Investigations
Quest 11: Rot Hide Ichor
Quest 12: A Recipie for Death
Quest 13: Rot Hide Origins
Quest 14: A Husband's Revenge
Quest 15: Thule Ravenclaw
Quest 16: Report to Hadrec
Quest 17: Pyrewood Ambush
Quest 18: The Weaver
Quest 19: Beren's Peril
Quest 20: Assault on Fenris Isle

Rare: Kethris Shadowspinner, Old Vicejaw, Rot Hide Bruiser, Gorehowl, Ravenclaw Regent
Milesstones: Revered with Undercity

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day 9, Tirisfal Glades, Silverpine Forest, Undercity

Well I got bored so have decided to do another 20 quests today to make up for what I missed last weekend. Since I only have a few quests to hand in in Tirisfal we shall be moving on to Silverpine Forest.

Tirisfal Glades
Quest 1: A Letter Undeliverd
Quest 2: The Family Crypt
Quest 3: The Prodigal Lich Returns
Quest 4: Delivery to Silverpine
Silverpine Forest
Quest 5: Delivery to the Sepulcher
Quest 6: Lost Deathstalkers
Quest 7: Escorting Erland
Quest 8: Prove Your Worth
Quest 9: Wild Hearts
Quest 10: Deathstalkers' Report
Quest 11: The Dead Fields
Quest 12: Speak With Renferrel
Quest 13: Return to Quinn
Quest 14: Ivar the Foul
Quest 15: The Decrepit Ferry
Quest 16: Rot Hide Clues
Quest 17: Arugal's Folly
Quest 18: A Recipie For Death
Quest 19: The Engraved Ring
Quest 20: Zinge's Delivery

Day 8, Tirisfal Glades

Not much to report from after completing my quests yesterday, I am however considering level the last little bit through 59 so that I'm 60 (which is a much nicer level then 59). Gold is still a problem but hopefully I can start getting a bit of gold through my disenchanting.

Quest 1: Wanted: Maggot Eye
Quest 2: Gravediggers
Quest 3: The Chill of Death
Quest 4: Deaths in the Family
Quest 5: The Haunted Mills
Quest 6: Speak with Sevren
Quest 7: The Mills Overrun
Quest 8: Forsaken Duties
Quest 9: Rear Guard Patrol
Quest 10: Return to the Magistrate
Quest 11: The Prodigal Lich
Quest 12: At War with the Scarlet Crusade
Quest 13: Proof of Demise
Quest 14: At War with the Scarlet Crusade
Quest 15: A New Plague
Quest 16: A New Plague
Quest 17: The Lich's Identity
Quest 18: Return the Book
Quest 19: Proving Allegiance
Quest 20: At War with the Scarlet Crusade

Milestones: Revered with Silvermoon City
Rares: Farmer Solliden, Tormented Spirit, Fellicent's Shade

Friday, November 27, 2009

Day 7, Silvermoon City, Tirisfal Glades

Much to my displeasure I found that there were 5 breadcrumb quests in the last two zones that I missed, unfortunate but nothing can be done now. So I shall have to be extra vigilant for these quests as they disappear as soon as I do the follow up quest. Todays adventures see us starting a new races starting zone, in this case the Forsaken.

Silvermoon City
Quest 1: Allegiance to the Horde
Tirisfal Glades
Quest 2: The Mindless Ones
Quest 3: The Damned
Quest 4: Rattling the Rattlecages
Quest 5: Scavenging Deathknell
Quest 6: Night Web's Hollow
Quest 7: Marla's Last Wish
Quest 8: The Scarlet Crusade
Quest 9: The Red Messenger
Quest 10: Vital Intelligence
Quest 11: A Rogue's Deal
Quest 12: A Rogue's Deal
Quest 13: At War With The Scarlet Crusade
Quest 14: A Putrid Task
Quest 15: Gordo's Task
Quest 16: Fields of Grief
Quest 17: A New Plague
Quest 18: Fields of Grief
Quest 19 Doom Weed
Quest 20: A New Plague

Rare: Lost Soul

Milestones: Honored with Undercity

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Day 6, Ghostlands, Undercity, Orgrimmar

Quest 1: A Little Dash of Seasoning
Quest 2: Shadowpine Weaponry
Quest 3: Deactivate An'owyn
Quest 4: Report to Magister Kaendris
Quest 5: Clearing the Way
Quest 6: Troll Juju
Quest 7: Investigate the Amani Catacombs
Quest 8: Rotting Hearts
Quest 9: Spinal Dust
Quest 10: Wanted: Knucklerot and Luzran
Quest 11: The Twin Ziggurats
Quest 12: War on Deathholme
Quest 13: A Restorative Draught
Quest 14: The Traitor's Destruction
Quest 15: Dar'Khan's Lieutenants
Quest 16: Captive's at Deathholme
Quest 17: Hero of the Sin'dorei
Quest 18: Envoy to the Horde
Quest 19: Journey to Undercity
Quest 20: Meeting the Warchief

Rare: Dr. Witherlimb (Not a hard one to find)
Milestones: Tranquillien Exalted (First exalted faction), Silvermoon City Revered

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 5, Ghostlands

It has come to my attention that I have very little gold on this character, less then 50s to be precise, so I need to start making some money. To do this I am going to do what I do on my other Deathknight and start to buy out BOE items to DE for a profit. But since my enchanting is only 80 I have to start low and work my way up. Hopefully I can start getting some more money soon, but its not like I need much for what I am doing, mostly just need enough to cover flightpaths.

Quest 1: Tomber's Supplies
Quest 2: Investigate An'daroth
Quest 3: Salvaging the Past
Quest 4: Goldenmist Village
Quest 5: The Plagued Coast
Quest 6: Retaking Windrunner Spire
Quest 7: Into Occupied Territory
Quest 8: The Lady's Necklace
Quest 9: Windrunner Village
Quest 10: Underlight Ore Samples
Quest 11: The Sanctum of the Sun
Quest 12: Deliver the Plans to An'telas
Quest 13: Curbing the Plague
Quest 14: The Farstrider Enclave
Quest 15: The Traitor's Shadow
Quest 16: Attack on Zeb'Tela
Quest 17: Hint's of the Past
Quest 18: Escape from the Catacombs
Quest 19: Assault on Zeb'Nowa
Quest 20: Bring Me Kel'gash's Head

Milestones: Tranquillien Revered, 100 Quests Completed

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 4, Eversong Woods, Ghostlands

Well yesterday, after many deaths getting to Alliance cities, I managed to get the Pilgrim meta-achievement, not bad for a 58 Deathknight, had some lovely fellow hordies takes me through Sethekk Halls to complete it.

Quest 1: Powering our Defenses
Quest 2: The Fallen Courier
Quest 3: Delivery to Tranquillien
Quest 4: The Forsaken
Quest 5: Return to Arcanist Vandrill
Quest 6: Goods from Silvermoon City
Quest 7: Fly to Silvermoon City
Quest 8: Skymistress Gloaming
Quest 9: Return to Quartermaster Lymel
Quest 10: Dealing with Zeb'Sora
Quest 11: Forgotten Rituals
Quest 12: Vanquishing Aquantion
Quest 13: Report to Captain Helios
Quest 14: Spirits of the Drowned
Quest 15: Bearers of Plague
Quest 16: Suncrown Village
Quest 17: Anok'Suten
Quest 18: Down the Dead Scar
Quest 19: Trouble at the Underlight Mines
Quest 20: Culinary Crunch

Milestones: Honored with Tranquillien, Pilgrim

Monday, November 23, 2009

Day 3, Eversong Woods

Quest 1: Ranger Sareyn
Quest 2: Missing in the Ghostlands
Quest 3: Swift Discipline
Quest 4: The Magister's Apprentice
Quest 5: Where's Wyllithen
Quest 6: Cleaning Up the Grounds
Quest 7: Deactivating the Spire
Quest 8: Word from the Spire
Quest 9: Abandoned Investigations
Quest 10: Zul'Marosh
Quest 11: The Spearcrafter's Hammer
Quest 12: Amani Encroachment
Quest 13: Amani Invasion
Quest 14: Warning Fairbreeze Village
Quest 15: Defending Fairbreeze Village
Quest 16: The Party Never Ends
Quest 17: The Scorched Grove
Quest 18: A Somber Task
Quest 19: Old Whitebark's Pendant
Quest 20: Whitebark's Memory

Found Eldinarcus the rare in Eversong Woods, first time i've ever seen him. Also explored all of Eversong Woods. Slowly leveling enchanting, but no real hurry. Also leveling skinning just to make money with.

Day 2, Eversong Woods

Well I ended up going to the beach for the weekend so Day 2 had to wait a few Days, again we continue in Eversong Woods. Pilgrim's Harvest started today so I shall endeavor to also do these quests, however as I cannot kill Talon King Ikiss I cannot get the meta on this character but I did get my cooking up to 300 as a result. In my mail found a new Onyxia Whelpling for myself to celebrate WoWs 5th anniversary.

Quest 1: Arcane Instability
Quest 2: Fish Heads, Fish Heads...
Quest 3: Captain Kelisendra's Lost Rutters
Quest 4: Roadside Ambush
Quest 5: Soaked Pages
Quest 6: Incriminating Documents
Quest 7: The Dwarven Spy
Quest 8: The Dead Scar
Quest 9: Taking the Fall
Quest 10: The Wayward Apprentice
Quest 11: Corrupted Soil
Quest 12: Unexpected Results
Quest 13: Research Notes
Quest 14: Saltheril's Haven
Quest 15: The Ring of Mmmrrrggglll
Quest 16: Grimscale Pirates!
Quest 17: Lost Armaments
Quest 18: Wretched Ringleader
Quest 19: Situation at Sunsail Anchorage
Quest 20: Pelt Collection

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day 1, Eversong Woods

So we start our quest in Eversong Woods the Blood Elf starting area.

Quest 1: Reclaiming Sunstrider Isle
Quest 2: Unfortunate Measures
Quest 3: Report to Lanthan Perilon
Quest 4: Aggression
Quest 5: Shrine of Dath'Remar
Quest 6: Thirst Unending
Quest 7: Fistful of Slivers
Quest 8: Solanian's Belongings
Quest 9: Felendren the Banished
Quest 10: Tainted Arcane Sliver
Quest 11: Aiding the Outrunners
Quest 12: Slain by the Wretched
Quest 13: Package Recovery
Quest 14: Completing the Delivery
Quest 15: Major Malfunction
Quest 16: Wanted: Thaelis the Hungerer
Quest 17: Unstable Mana Crystals
Quest 18: Delivery to the North Sanctum
Quest 19: Malfunction at the West Sanctum
Quest 20: Darnassian Intrusions

Milestone: Honored with Silvermoon City

20 Quest a day experiment

So I have decided to roll a horde, for one reason, my main is a Gnome Rogue. Thus I have not experienced the storyline in the game from a Horde perspective. So starting today I shall endeavor to do 20 quests per day for the Horde, reading every single one so I get the full story of the Horde. The character will be a Blood Elf Blood Deathknight, primarily because they have all the Old World flightpaths so getting around will be easier, and also the low downtime that Blood specs have.
I will start my questing as a newly emerged Horde Deathknight and start with the lowest level zones and work my way up from there, doing every quest available.