Sunday, December 20, 2009

Day 33: Desolace, Terokkar Forest

Lots to do today, heres the catchup for yesterday. Found a few rares, am very close to 68 at which point I can go and get the Santa Hat to complete another Winters Veil achievement.


Quest 1: Alliance Relations
Quest 2: Regthar Deathgate
Quest 3: The Kolkar of Desolace
Quest 4: The Corruptor
Quest 5: Alliance Relations
Quest 6: Bone Collector
Quest 7: Kodo Roundup
Quest 8: Khan Dez'hepah
Quest 9: Befouled by Satyr
Quest 10: The Corruptor
Quest 11: Scepter of Light
Quest 12: Claim Rackmore's Treasure
Quest 13: Book of the Ancients
Quest 14: The Burning of Spirits
Quest 15: The Corruptor
Quest 16: The Corruptor
Quest 17: The Corruptor
Quest 18: Hand of Iruxos
Quest 19: Hunting in Stranglethorn
Quest 20: Alliance Relations

Rares: Foulbelly, Cursed Centaur, Crusty, Accursed Slitherblade

Terokkar Forest
Quest 1: And Now, The Moment of Truth
Quest 2: Wanted: Bonelashers Dead!
Quest 3: Torgos!
Quest 4: What's Wrong at Cenarion Thicket?
Quest 5: Strange Energy
Quest 6: Clues in the Thicket
Quest 7: It's Watching You!
Quest 8: By Any Means Necessary
Quest 9: Wind Trader Lathrai
Quest 10: A Personal Favor
Quest 11: Investigate Tuurem
Quest 12: What Are These Things?
Quest 13: Report to Stonebreaker Camp
Quest 14: Escape from Firewing Point
Quest 15: Attack on Firewing Point
Quest 16: The Final Code
Quest 17: Letting Earthbinder Tavgren Know
Quest 18: Surrender to the Horde
Quest 19: The Eyes of Skettis
Quest 20: Seek Out Kirrik

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