Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 42: The Hinterlands, Blades Edge Mountains


The Hinterlands
Quest 1: Lard Lost His Lunch
Quest 2: Snapjaws, Mon!
Quest 3: Gamarita, Mon!
Quest 4: Kidnapped Elder Torntusk!
Quest 5: Recover the Key!
Quest 6: Rin'ji is Trapped
Quest 7: Cannibalistic Cousins
Quest 8: Message to the Wildhammer
Quest 9: Avenging the Fallen
Quest 10: Stalking the Stalkers
Quest 11: Hunt the Savages
Quest 12: Job Opening: Guard Captain of Revantusk Village
Quest 13: Return to Primal Torntusk
Quest 14: Dark Vessels
Quest 15: Wanted: Vile Priestess Hexx and Her Minions
Quest 16: Vilebranch Hooligans
Quest 17: Another Message to the Wildhammer
Quest 18: The Final Message to the Wildhammer
Quest 19: Rin'ji's Secret
Quest 20: Oran's Gratitude

Rares: Grimungus, Mith'rethis the Enchanter, Razortalon, Jalinde Summerdrake, Zul'arek Hatefowler, Old Cliff Jumper, Jimmy the Bleeder, Barnabus, Lost One Cook, Roloch, Gilmorian, Lost One Chieftan


Blades Edge Mountains
Quest 1: A Time for Negotiation...
Quest 2: Creating the Pendant
Quest 3: ...and a Time for Action
Quest 4: Did You Get The Note?
Quest 5: Poaching from the Poachers
Quest 6: Wyrmskull Watcher
Quest 7: Longtail is the Lynchpin
Quest 8: Whelps of the Wyrmcult
Quest 9: Meeting at the Blackwing Coven
Quest 10: The Truth Unorbed
Quest 11: Treebole Must Know
Quest 12: Little Embers
Quest 13: From the Ashes
Quest 14: Culling the Wild
Quest 15: Damaged Mask
Quest 16: Mystery Mask
Quest 17: Felsworn Gas Mask
Quest 18: Decieve thy Enemy
Quest 19: You're Fired!
Quest 20: Death's Door

Rares: Bog Lurker, Morcrush

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